Enable logcat in RedMi / HongMi AOSP 4.2.2

For some reason the logcat in AOSP 4.2.2 maybe disabled by default. To re-enable it, follow the steps below:

  1. Extract the file in /system/etc/init.d/03MTKTweakElse
  2. Comment out the line "rm /dev/log/main", this statement will disable the logcat to function
  3. Push back the file to the device
    C:\> adb push 03MTKTweakElse /system/etc/init.d/03MTKTweakElse
You may not have the privilege to write on the directory /system, to handle this, remount the /system partition using:
  1. Enter the shell
       adb shell
  2. Change to root
  3. Remount the /system as Read-Write
       mount -o remount rw /system


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