Friday, May 28, 2021

About CKAN Sample Dataset

You can use "ckan seed" to create sample datasets

e.g. ckan seed basic, which creates two datasets: 

  1. annakarenina
  2. warandpeace

BUT, after you delete the two datasets, either via 

User Interface 



ckan dataset delete annakarenina 

ckan dataset purge annakarenina


You cannot run the "ckan seed basic" again to regenerate the two datasets. 


Since there are two records still in table "group" and 5 records created in table "user" (They are created by "ckan seed basic"). Remove those records and then you can run the "ckan seed basic" again.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Share folder in VirtualBox

I'd been creating a shared folder in VirtualBox guest (Lubuntu) in a Ubuntu host. While the folder path I entered is a symbolic link, it just NOT work at all.

So, always remember the "Folder Path" has to be a REAL PATH, no symbolic link !!

Sync multiple git repo at once

Use the following command in Linux will do the job:  ls -d RepoNames* | xargs -I{} git -C {} pull