Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Removing unused packages in Linux

To remove unused packages in Linux, we will use the following software:

  • deborphan
  • gtkorphan (GUI based)
  • rpmorphan

Deleting files specified in a text based file list

To delete a list of files specified in a text based file list, do the following:

> for /f %i in (files_to_delete.txt) do del %i


Export text based file list for the difference between 2 directories (Windows version)

The following is a tutorial for exporting a text-based file list showing the difference between 2 directories (e.g. D:\DirA, D:\DirB):

Step 1: Create a text-based file list for both directories

> cd D:\DirA
> dir /s /b /a:-d > file-list-dir-a.txt
> cd D:\DirB
> dir /s /b /a:-d > file-list-dir-b.txt

Step 2: Use WinMerge to get the difference between the 2 file lists:

Note: To display difference only, you need to set "View > Diff Context > 0 Lines".

Step 3: Copy the difference from WinMerge and create a text file to store it.

Ubuntu dock shows applications in current workspace only

In Ubuntu dock, to show applications in current workspace only, run the following command:

$ gsettings set isolate-workspaces true


Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Running Springboot web app in IntelliJ Idea Community Edition

When you run your springboot application in IntelliJ idea Community Edition having the following error, you can try the solution below to solve the problem.

Error "Failed to introspect annotated methods on class"

If your "pom.xml" has dependency with "provided" scope, you may have trouble when running your application in IntelliJ Idea Community Edition.


Some suggests that you can change the scope from "provided" to "compile". Here is another solution for this issue:

In your "Run/Debug Configurations", check "Include dependencies with 'Provided' scope". Then you can run the application from IntelliJ Idea Community Edition.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Image bytes to np array in Python

For reference:

# data - image bytes

im =
I =  numpy.asarray(im)
print("I type:", type(I), "I shape:", I.shape)

>> I type: <class 'numpy.ndarray'> I shape: (512, 512, 3)

Sync multiple git repo at once

Use the following command in Linux will do the job:  ls -d RepoNames* | xargs -I{} git -C {} pull