Monday, June 29, 2020

SQL Developer JavaFX problem

When running SQL Developer in Linux, you may encounter the "JavaFX" problem stating that the JavaFX libraries / components are not found. To solve this issue, you can consider the following solution:

  1. Install SDKMAN
  2. Use SDKMAN to install either "OpenJDK 11" or "Zulu JDK with FX"
    • sdk install java 11.0.7-open
    • sdk install java 8.0.252.fx-zulu
  1. Check the SQL Developer "product.conf" file to make sure the correct JDK is used.
    • ~/.sqldeveloper/<version>/product.conf
    • SetJavaHome /path_to_java_home
  2. If you just comment out the "SetJavaHome" variable, then the current JDK you use will be used with SQL Developer.

Sync multiple git repo at once

Use the following command in Linux will do the job:  ls -d RepoNames* | xargs -I{} git -C {} pull