
Showing posts from 2017

Null safe expression in Thymeleaf

Using '?' after the variable in Thymeleaf expression, that variable will be null safe. < td th : text = "${user.department?.name}" ></ td > For the avoid example, even variable department is null, the expression will still be fine.

OpenLayers blurry map with ArcGIS tiles

Check this out:

Skip testing in Maven

To skip the unit testing in Maven, we need to set the environment variable "maven.test.skip" to true. Or we can use "-DskipTests" Sample command: Prompt> mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true OR Prompt> mvn package -DskipTests Reference:

Query windows patch via command line

To check if a windows patch (e.g. KB1234567) has been installed, run the following command line:      C:> wmic qfe | find "1234567"