
Showing posts from April, 2012

Small HTTP servers for Windows

Some mini size HTTP server software for Windows: QuickPHP Abyss nginx For nginx, if you want to add an alias which point to another location which is not under the root directory, you can put the following in the nginx.conf: location /web {     alias   d:/Code/nginx_web; }          This means for locations http://yourhost/web , it is pointing to d:\Code\nginx_web actually. So what about ProxyPass in nginx? I will try on it tomorrow. Keep update soon.

Editors for MacOS

Just need some nice text editor to code, here I found some nice stuff: Kod TextWrangler Carbon Emacs macvim For TextWrangler, if we want to add color themes to it, we can put bbedit theme files to ~/Library/Application Support/TextWrangler/Color Schemes/

Good notes on Eclipse + Android SDK

Just found a nice page summarizing problem we may encountered during development: Eclipse + Android SDK bugs and workarounds, common mistakes | Hello Android

CSS DropShadown in IE9

Reference A good way to perform text shadow in IE9: background-color: 'white' ; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Chroma(Color= 'white' )         progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.DropShadow(OffX=3, OffY=3, Color='white'); The point is to make use of Chroma filter and set a proper background-color. So great!