
Showing posts from 2011

Using ArcGIS JS API v2.5 - v2.8

Some notes on using their API: In 2.5, the path is /library/2.5/arcgis (or arcgis_compact) In 2.6, the path changed to /library/2.6/jsapi (or jsapicompact), but the manual doesn't changed. So be careful when following the installation manual The file in /library/2.6/jsapi/js/esri/jsapi.js will create a Javascript error. You might need to replace the file content with the one in ESRI ArcGIS JS API production site. Something more about the Javascript files in the API: The jsapi.js contains UTF8 characters ( ‰ - u8240, ¤ - u0164), when ArcGIS JS API "index.jsp" includes this file using <jsp:include> , the UTF8 characters will corrupted. I found two solutions for that Modify the jsapi.js, swap those UTF8 characters back to escaped (\u) characters, and save the file back as ANSI format. OR Modify the "index.jsp" , avoid using <jsp:include>, try to use file reader with encoding specified. For example: FileUtils.readFileToString(new F...

100% Height DIV

The trick is to set body with height:100% in CSS: <style>    html, body {       margin: 0px;       height: 100%;    } </style> Then DIV's CSS height:100% will work !

Cynefin methods

Cynefin methods, tools, and techniques have been successfully applied in organisations to address areas such as corporate strategy, innovation, culture transformation, weak signal detection, social networking, mergers & acquisitions, knowledge management and ageing workforce. It is useful in capturing tacit knowledge. Ref: Cynefin framework ( )

Themes for Notepad2

There is a nice color theme called obsidian  for Notepad2 . But it will hide your cursor after  importing it. To fix this, give a color and size to the caret in notepad2.ini. For example: [Default Text] ... Caret (Color, size 1-3)=fore:#FFFFFF; size:2; ... Link to Obsidan for Notepad2

Some options for Tomcat 6

Not much options found, but I drop down the useful ones for reference. Note that those options should be assigned to the CATALINA_OPTS. Actually, you may put them in catalina.bat . Startup memory size -Xms256m Maximum memory size -Xmx256m Garbage collection path -Xloggc:/gc.log Disable DNS caching Skip quote escape checking (If you have tag like this  <mytags:tag value="<%= "hi!" %>" />  , which is validate in Tomcat 5 before. In Tomcat 6, you may need to turn on the following option to prevent running into error. Ref: ) -Dorg.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.STRICT_QUOTE_ESCAPE=false Turn on JMX remote Set default Tomcat language / locale to English -Duser.language=en

To measure a string length in pixel using Javascript

One may make use of Span.offsetWidth to measure the length of a string in Javascript environment, consider the following example: <html> <body>     <select id="select1" style="width:100px;"  onchange="checkStringWidth()">         <option value="1">abcde abcde abcde abcde abcde</option>         <option value="2">abcde abcde abcde abcde</option>     </select>     <br>     Selected option: <span id="span1"></span>     <br>     Text width: <span id="lbWidth"></span> </body> </html> <script>     function checkStringWidth() {         var select1 = document.getElementById('select1');         var span1   = document.getElementById('span1');         var lbWidth = document.getElementById('lbWidth'); ...

Just played around with Greasemonkey

I'm not a javascript expert, but just played around using js in greasemonkey, quite funny. // ==UserScript== // @name FilterGuruEntry // @description Filter Guru Entry // @include* // ==/UserScript== var allTRs, thisTR; allTRs = document.getElementsByTagName('SPAN'); for (var i = 0; i < allTRs.length; i++) { thisTR = allTRs[i]; if (thisTR.getAttribute("class") == "btblue") { //myTBODY = thisTR.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; myTR = thisTR.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; myTD = thisTR.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; if (myTR.nodeName == "TR") { //myTR.removeChild(myTD); //myTR.removeChild(myTR.lastChild); myTR.removeChild(myTD); } //myTBODY.removeChild(myTR); } }

To run portable Chrome using chrome.exe in \App\Chrome-bin

For portable Chrome, if you execute the \App\Chrome-bin\chrome.exe directly, you may not able to start Chrome and having a file "debug.log" stating that Chrome "Could not get Chrome DLL version.". To handle this issue, you need to do the following: Copy the chrome.exe to \App\Chrome-bin\15.0.874.120\ (depends on the Chrome version) and use the chrome.exe in this path instead Specify the --User-Data-Dir and --Enable-Extension parameters For example: chrome.exe --User-Data-Dir="D:\ChromePortable\Data\profile" --Enable-Extensions Some more parameters for reference: Private browsing mode:   --incognito Read local files (e.g. local XML, XSL, etc):    --allow-file-access-from-files

Using Expression Language (EL) in JSP

To use EL in JSP, a page directive has to be specified: <%@ page isELIgnored="false" %> Then you can use EL in the JSP, e.g.: <logic:iterate id="var" name="sampleForm" property="list" indexId="index">            <p>${}</p>           <logic:equal name="var"                        property="foo"                        value="${sampleForm.list[index+1].foo}">              Value is same as next entry.           </logic:equal> </logic:iterate>

Getting Action Mapping in JSP

One can use "org.apache.struts.action.mapping.instance" to get the action mapping in JSP: import org.apache.struts.config.ActionConfig; ActionConfig mapping = (ActionConfig)request.getAttribute("org.apache.struts.action.mapping.instance"); Form name will be mapping.getName()

To activate a window using VBS

set oShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") call oShell.AppActivate(<Window's Title>)

Copy files from tsclient

For example: xcopy \\TSCLIENT\F\$Update\ *.* "C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\My Documents\" /s /v /f

Enable/Disable network interface via command line

c:\> netsh interface set interface "INTERFACE_NAME" enable OR c:\> netsh interface set interface "INTERFACE_NAME"disable

Debug mode in Eclipse and Tomcat

For Tomcat:   set JPDA_ADDRESS=8000   set JPDA_TRANSPORT=dt_socket   catalina.bat jpda start For Eclipse:   Set Connection Port (8000) and Connection Host (localhost) in "Run > Debug Configurations"   Configuration Type: "Remote Java Application"   Set connection port to "8000"   Set connection host to "localhost"

Download Eclipse Plugins in Zip at GitHub

This can be done via: Ref:

Firefox plugins

Some Firefox plugins recommended: Firebug Greasemonkey Hide Caption Titlebar Plus Hide Navigation Bar HttpFox ImagePref (not from mozilla site) MM3-ProxySwitch No Color Stylish User Agent Switcher Web Developer

Search Engine Optimization Technique

For SEO, there are few things to note. Meaningful title "Production name | Description" Use of meta tag META DESCRIPTION, META KEYWORD Use of canonical link Use of SiteMap Use alt text More information:

Reading and saving UTF8 text file in Java

To read and save text file in Java, we need to add the "UTF-8" parameter in the Stream Reader. File file = new File("1.txt"); BufferedReader reader = null; try {    reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), "UTF-8"));    String text = reader.readLine();    String s1="\u6df1\u6c34\u57d7";    String s2="深水埗";    OutputStreamWriter out = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream("2.txt"),"UTF-8");    out.write(text+s1+s2);    out.flush();    out.close(); } catch (Exception e) {    e.printStackTrace(); }