
Showing posts from June, 2007

Using find command in Unix

Just for my memory... find . -exec grep "keywords" '{}' \; -print This handly statement finds files contains "keywords" and print the line and the file name as well. Ref:

Context level of Moodle

From lib/accesslib.php 25 // context definitions 26 define('CONTEXT_SYSTEM', 10); 27 define('CONTEXT_PERSONAL', 20); 28 define('CONTEXT_USER', 30); 29 define('CONTEXT_COURSECAT', 40); 30 define('CONTEXT_COURSE', 50); 31 define('CONTEXT_GROUP', 60); 32 define('CONTEXT_MODULE', 70); 33 define('CONTEXT_BLOCK', 80);

MS Word closed right after it starts

Whenever you experience this sort of problem, most likely it will be the problem of file: Try to seek and delete that file to solve the problem. Ref:

Create create VPN connection in Windows XP

In Windows XP, make sure the Telephony, Remote Access Connection Manager, and Remote Access Auto Connection Manager services are running. Ref:;en-us;329441

php_mysql.dll problem in Apache

Apache startup error message: PHP Startup: Unable to Load Dynamic library 'C:\PHP\ext\php_mysql.dll - The specified module could not be found. Solution: Copy the libmysql.dll from the main php folder to \windows\system32

Using EditItemTemplate for InsertItemTemplate in FormView (ASP.NET)

There is a nice way to reuse your hardly made EditItemTemplate in the InsertItemtemplate. Found in ASP.NET forum: protected void FormView1_Init ( object sender, EventArgs e) { FormView1.InsertItemTemplate = FormView1.EditItemTemplate } protected void FormView1_DataBound( object sender, EventArgs e) { if (FormView1.CurrentMode == FormViewMode.Edit) { LinkButton InsertButton = FormView1.FindControl( "InsertButton" ) as LinkButton; LinkButton UpdateButton = FormView1.FindControl( "UpdateButton" ) as LinkButton; InsertButton.Visible = false ; UpdateButton.Visible = true ; } else if (FormView1.CurrentMode == FormViewMode.Insert) { LinkButton InsertButton = FormView1.FindControl( "InsertButton" ) as LinkButton; LinkButton UpdateButton = FormView1.FindControl( "UpdateButton" ) as LinkButton; InsertButton.Visible = true ; UpdateButton.Visible = false ; } } Ref: http://forums....